
IMO: MEPC 80 Day one

IMO HQ London

The 80th session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) is currently underway at the IMO headquarters in London. MEPC 80 will address several important issues related to maritime environmental protection.

One of the key focuses of MEPC 80 is tackling climate change and reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from ships. This includes the adoption of the revised IMO GHG Strategy. The Intersessional Working Group on Reducing GHG, chaired by Norway’s Sveinung Oftedal, has been tasked with revising the IMO’s strategy for shipping decarbonization. The group has made progress in establishing technical standards for fuels but is still working on economic aspects, such as determining the financial responsibility for the transition to low or zero-carbon fuels.

During the session, delegates have discussed the concept of a “levy” on fuel as a means to incentivize the adoption of lower-carbon fuels. The idea of a universal charge on carbon emissions from marine fuels has been supported by some participants, who emphasize the need to consider emissions from fuel production and burning in the overall carbon footprint of the shipping industry.

In addition to GHG reduction, MEPC 80 is addressing other important topics. These include energy efficiency of ships, ballast water management (including the approval of the Convention Review Plan and amendments to the BWM Convention), biofouling management (revised guidelines), designation of a Particularly Sensitive Sea Area, revised guidelines for underwater noise, tackling marine litter, and ship-to-ship transfer (proposed Assembly resolution).

The MEPC session has seen the participation of both in-person and virtual delegates. The Intersessional Working Group on Reducing GHG will present its results to the broader assemblage at the end of the week, following its separate daily deliberations from the Plenary meetings.

The MEPC 80 session highlights the IMO’s commitment to addressing various environmental challenges faced by the maritime industry, with a particular emphasis on reducing GHG emissions, improving energy efficiency, managing ballast water and biofouling, and addressing marine litter and noise pollution.

Source: IMO, GCapitan, WMN

Source IMO GCapitan WMN
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