
VIDEO: Maritime Transport and Oceanic Policies Americas Conference (WMU)

(2nd) The Second Regional Conference of the Americas on Maritime Transport and Oceanic Policies (Americas) in Veracrúz Mexico September 30 – October 02, 2019 seafarers, maritime professionals and the World Maritime University Alumni (WMU). Invites the Secretaría de Marina Armada de México, WMU, and www.FullAvanteNews.com.

Maritime Americas must work together to develop the only resource that surrounds us all and allows us to live and connect. The conference aimed at the administration and regulation of the future of water resources is a step towards the integration, development, and conservation of a regional block of the Americas. This conference seeks to generate a maritime and oceanic knowledge and a sharing ground around cooperation and regional maritime and ocean common goals. WMU Alumni will join and share research, best practices, perspectives and suggestions for Policymaking.

NOTE:  Video shared from the channel of the Secretaria de Marína Armada de México

FullAvanteNews has no rights to this video, its publication is purely informative.


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