
ONE experiments with windshields on the bow of ships

ONE trust W/ Windscreen at the bow

Ocean Network Express – ONE experiments and has recently retrofitted another container ship with a windshield at the bow. The conversion is part of the shipping line’s efforts to reduce fuel consumption across its fleet and thus also reduce carbon emissions overall, reports Alphaliner.

The carrier had a giant windshield structure installed on the forecastle of the ONE TRUST, a 20,170 teu megamax vessel built by Korea’s Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI) in 2017.
ONE, whose founding member MOL had begun experimenting with such devices in 2015, has yet to release any details on more widespread installation plans, but recent footage from Japan shows the airline has opted to add similar windshields to its upcoming run of 24,000. . your new work of JMU.

According to windshield pioneer MOL, whose container fleet was taken over by ONE in 2018, bow devices can reduce fuel consumption by up to 4% in ideal conditions, with real-life gains likely closer to 2%.

MOL already retrofitted its 6,724 MOL MARVEL container ship, the current ONE MARVEL, with a bow windshield in 2015.

Four years later, MOL and SHI obtained approval in principle from the DNVGL classification society for a windscreen design for ultra-large container ships such as the ONE TRUST.
Ocean Network Express then used ONE TRUST’s five-year class drydock to install the windshield at Qingdao Beihai Shipyard.

The converted ship later re-entered service on THE Alliance’s ‘FE2’ Asia – Europe service.
Two previous sister ships that recently had their first-class drydocking, ONE TRIUMPH and ONE TRIBUTE, have not been fitted with windshields.

The fourth sibling of the 20,000 teu megamax type Samsung, the ONE TRADITION, is currently in the shipyard where its windshield is being installed.

Source: Alphaliner

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