
MSC merges Transatlantic and Ecuador-Europe loops


MSC merges Transatlantic and Ecuador-Europe loops
The Geneva-based carrier MSC has merged its reefer oriented North Europe – US East Coast – West Coast of South America ‘Ecuador to NWC’ service with its Baltic – North Europe – US East Coast ‘Scan Baltic to USA’ loop into a single ‘Ecuador – NWC & Scan Baltic – USA’
The new loop will turn in eleven weeks with eleven 4,100 – 8,800 teu ships, while fourteen vessels were needed for the two separate services before their combination. The new service offers the same geographical coverage, but combines the westbound North Europe – US East Coast legs of the two former loops into one.

The full rotation of the ‘Ecuador – NWC & Scan Baltic – USA’ loop is Klaipeda, Gdynia, Goteborg, Bremerhaven, Antwerp, Felixstowe, Le Havre, Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Norfolk, Jacksonville, Freeport (Bah), Balboa, Guayaquil, Puerto Bolivar, Guayaquil, Cristobal, Moin, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Bremerhaven, Klaipeda. The first sailing ex Klaipeda was offered on 7 January with the 8,814 teu MSC VITA and will be followed by voyages of the 6,648 teu MSC

MICHIGAN VII and the 5,700 teu MSC ORIANE. The fleet of the combined service will however largely consist of somewhat smaller 4,100
– 4,900 teu panamax ships with a high reefer intake (1,150 to 1,300 plugs).
Ellerman will slot on the westbound leg of the ‘Ecuador – NWC & Scan Baltic – USA’ service in continuation of its agreement with MSC on the old ‘Scan Baltic to USA’ loop. The British carrier brands this connection as ‘US Express’ (‘USX’) and is not participating in the Boston call.



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