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Maritime News
Maritime News, ships, container ships, cargo, panamax, bulk carriers, containers, port terminals,
Seaboard Marine increases earnings in 2022
Seaboard Marine increases earnings compared to 2021 and quintuples its operating income compared to the same…
Evergreen reports highest operating margin of shipping lines from Taiwan
Evergreen reports the highest operating margin of Taiwan's three lines, coinciding with its rise to position six in…
Hapag Lloyd reports record operating profit
The German shipping line, Hapag Lloyd, reports record operating profit for the first quarter of 2022, increasing by…
Charter Market: lower tonnage rates drop
Lower tonnage container ships charter rates drop even though availability increased, and uncertainty is still…
VIDEO: Container ship runs aground in Bocas de Ceniza Colombia
According to, a multipurpose Container ship owned by the french Shipping line Marfret ran aground in…
Maersk stops operations in Russia
According to GCaptain, Maersk and its intra-European arm Sealand Europe & Med have announced that all vessel…
The inactive container ship fleet increases in April 2022
The global fleet of idle container ships continued its upward movement at the end of April despite the peak summer…
Ocean Network Express (ONE) reports record profit in Q1 2022
COVID, Congestion, War in Ukraine, blank sailings, Supply, demand: Ocean Network Express (ONE) records record…
Hapag-Lloyd fined $800,000 in first D&D case
FMC fines Hapag-Lloyd $822,220 in penalties after ruling the shipping line had deliberately manipulated D&D…
Lockdown in China affects cargo demand
Factory closures, strict regulations for trucking between inland and port terminals caused export volumes to drop…