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Maritime News
Maritime News, ships, container ships, cargo, panamax, bulk carriers, containers, port terminals,
BRAZIL: New Joint Venture “Norcoast” by Hapag-Lloyd and Norsul
the German shipping giant Hapag-Lloyd and Brazilian waterway logistics firm Norsul have joined forces in a…
Ocean Alliance to Become World’s Largest Mega-Alliance as 2M Partnership…
Discontinuation of the 2M partnership pushes the Ocean Alliance to become the world´s largest mega alliance,…
10 Billion dollar container shipping carriers fall from seven to three
The number of publicly traded container carriers with market capitalizations exceeding USD 10 billion has dwindled…
Wan Hai Secures Export Credit Finance for Japanese Newbuildings
Wan Hai Lines is set to receive financial support from the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), for…
Italian Media Reports MSC Profit at USD 38 Billion in 2022
Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) achieved an astounding annual net profit of EUR 36.3 billion (USD 38.2…
Amazon Drought Forces Carriers to Divert Ships from Manaus
El Niño climate phenomenon prolongs the worst drought in the Amazon river, forcing carriers to divert ships from…
Backlog Grows at Ports in Israel Amid Rising Tensions
According to Reuters, Israeli ports are experiencing a growing backlog of ships as the nation intensifies its…
CMA CGM Announces Major Upgrades and Expansion in the United States
French shipping giant, CMA CGM, has unveiled its plans for significant upgrades, investments and expansion in the…
Carriers Drive Record-High Orderbook Amid Green Ambitions
According to Alphaliner, Carriers Drive Record-High Orderbook Amid Green Ambitions.
EU Abolishes Block Exemption for Liner Consortia
The European Union has decided not to extend the 'Consortia Block Exemption Regulation (CBER), according to…