
ICS: Maritime Industry Flag State Performance Table 2022 – 2023


ICS released the Maritime Industry Flag State Annual Performance Table 2022 – 2023, highlighting a 25% increase in flag states reporting on seafarer labor standards compared to last year.

A 25% increase in International Labor Organization (ILO) reports on the well-being of seafarers compared to last year.
Reporting on ILO labor standards is vital to improving the well-being of seafarers.
A record number of flag administrations achieve full-qualification status under the US Qualship 21 program.

Each year, flag states are required to report on labor standards as part of their ILO audit engagements. Some of the specific labor regulations for seafarers include repatriation of seafarers, provision of accommodation, health protection, and medical care.

This year, 67.6% of flag states reported on their ILO audit engagements, an increase of 25% over the previous year, where only 42.9% of reports were submitted, representing a growing awareness of the importance of this area of reporting.

Continuing to increase the levels of information on labor standards is vital to maintaining the well-being of seafarers. As the shipping industry moves towards greater digitization and a green transition, there will be changes in the way seafarers work.

Through increased reporting and improvements, the industry can identify how working conditions can remain safe for the world’s seafarers. More specifically, Guy Platten, ICS Secretary General, said:

It is promising to see such a large increase in reporting on ILO labor standards. Seafarers are a vital cog in the supply chain, making the movement of 90% of world trade possible. Your well-being must be a top priority and by increasing reporting we are able to identify what we need to do to improve standards.

He also added that “as new technologies are introduced on board ships, we must ensure that innovation does not come at the cost of safety. By continuing to report on labor standards, we can improve working conditions for our seafarers, equip them with the right skills they need to do their jobs, and ensure a just transition for all.”

The Board also reports that a record number of flag administrations (49) have achieved full-qualification status this year under the US Coast Guard’s Qualship21 program.

The initiative seeks to reward those companies, operators and vessels that demonstrate the greatest commitment to quality and safety through the highest level of compliance with international standards and United States laws and regulations.

As in previous years, several flag states have achieved all green/positive indicators in the 2022/2023 ICS Flag State Performance Table. These include:

Bermuda Islands
Cayman Islands
isle of man
Marshall Islands
United Kingdom.

Among the 10 largest ship registries (by deadweight tonnage), covering more than 79% of the world merchant fleet, only two have a negative indicator, while the remaining eight all have positive indicators.

Of the lowest performing flag states, only one flag state (Togo) appears on the Black/Target Lists for all three Port State Control (PSC) Regimes evaluated (Paris MOU, Tokyo MOU and USCG Annual Report).

To see the complete ICS Report: Table of performance of the flag states of the maritime industry 2022 – 2023 click on the following link

Source: Safety4Sea, ICS

Source Safety4Sea ICS Safety4Sea
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