Geneva Dry Dialogues: DryDel Shipping

Costas Delaportas, president and CEO of Greece’s DryDel Shipping, has managed to find the time to rub shoulders with more than 100 of his shipowning peers when he attends April’s second edition of Geneva Dry, the world’s premier commodities shipping conference.

DryDel was among one of the busiest dry bulk owners in 2024, entering the cape sector, adding to its ultramax fleet and taking its full fleet – including ships on charter – to the 30 mark for the first time.

Going into 2025, Delaportas says he is cautiously optimistic on dry bulk prospects with limited newbuild deliveries scheduled for this year, and the potential for significant scrapping of what is an ageing global dry bulk fleet.

Macroeconomic factors, though, could introduce what he describes as “destabilising influences” into the market.

“Dry bulk markets could face pressure, if geopolitical risks or economic slowdowns co…


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