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“Intermodal has to be treated like passenger rail”
The position of intermodal and, by extension, combined transport is not negotiable for the industry. “Intermodal…
Romanian rail wants a railway advisory council to get back on track
The private Romanian rail sector wants to establish an advisory council to get the country’s rail back on track.…
AERRL issues appeal to new EU transport officials
The time for policy appeals is here. All across the board, rail freight parties are signalling their wishes for the…
UIRR puts policy vision on the table for Combined Transport
The new year is off to a blasting start, at least if you’re wondering about what rail freight parties want to…
Long-awaited Dutch rail freight policy plan makes industry sound the alarm, again
It is no secret that the Dutch rail freight sector is concerned about its future. (A lack of) government policy has…
Rail freight wants to “move away from status quo” with Capacity Management…
As the European Commission, Parliament and Council of the European Union are negotiating on the content of the…
With elections incoming, German rail freight puts its wishlist on the table
On 23 February, Germany will be heading to the polls to elect a new parliament, from which a government will then…