Editorial OurWorldData: How many people are employed in fisheries and aquaculture? FullAvanteNews S.S Jun 6, 2023 0 People depend on fishing and fish farming as their main source of income. How many people are employed in fishing…
Editorial OurWorldData: How much fish and seafood do people eat? FullAvanteNews S.S May 24, 2023 0 We share the article on How much fish and seafood do people eat? from the fishing and overweight report published…
Maritime News OurWorldData: How many fish do we catch with each method? FullAvanteNews S.S May 24, 2023 0 We share the article on the statistics of fish catch by method published by OurWorldData.
Editorial OurWorldData: Ocean fishing methods and gear types FullAvanteNews S.S May 17, 2023 0 A summary of the most widely used fishing methods in the world courtesy of the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)…
Maritime News OurWorldData: World fisheries and aquaculture production FullAvanteNews S.S May 3, 2023 0 OurWorldData: World fish production, that is, total fish production plus aquaculture that feeds the world's…