
ECUADOR: First cranes arrive to DP World Posorja


Built on a huge ship and coming from China yesterday arrived at Posorja the first cranes which will have the Port of Deep Waters that will be operated by DP World.

There are three gantry cranes (STS) and ten RTG cranes. The former serve to remove the containers from the ships and the others, to move the containers in the yards.

The arrival of these gears, whose shipping journey began in early March, is key to the operation of the port, which aims to start its activities in August.

The port will incorporate more cranes, because in the first stage it intends to operate with four gantry cranes and fifteen RTG cranes. In this phase, the port terminal will have an annual capacity of 750,000 teus (container size), a pier 480 meters long and 16 meters deep.

Its draft level, which will even be higher than that of the port operated by Contecon, in Guayaquil, will allow it to receive post-Panamax ships.

The idea of ​​this terminal is to open direct routes and stimulate new economic activities through the development of a Logistics Park of 100 hectares, next to the port, in the environment of the Special Economic Development Zone.

Source El Universo
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