Bremerhaven attracts two North-South services from Maersk and MSC


Bremerhaven attracts two North-South services from Maersk and MSC

In February, Maersk will introduce a Bremerhaven call to the rotation of its weekly Europe – South America East Coast ‘Samba’ service. Simultaneously, MSC plans to add Bremerhaven to the rotation of its North Europe – South Africa service in March. Notably, Bremerhaven is not replacing the current Hamburg calls in both cases but is being included in the rotation as a second North German port immediately after Hamburg.

For Maersk’s ‘Samba’ service, the first sailing from Bremerhaven is scheduled for February 15, featuring the 10,589 TEU SAN ANTONIO MAERSK. The service will complete its rotation in nine weeks with nine 10,500 TEU vessels calling at London-Gateway, Rotterdam, Hamburg, Bremerhaven, Antwerp, Tanger Med, Santos, Paranagua, Buenos Aires, Montevideo, Rio Grande, Paranagua, Santos, Tanger Med, and London-Gateway.

MSC’s ‘NWC to South Africa’ service will see its first sailing from Bremerhaven in the second half of March, with the 9,411 TEU MSC BRANKA. This North-South loop, turning in nine weeks with mainly 8,000 – 9,400 TEU vessels, will follow the rotation: London-Gateway, Rotterdam, Antwerp, Hamburg, Bremerhaven, Le Havre, Sines, Las Palmas, Ngqura, Durban, Ngqura, Cape Town, Las Palmas, and London-Gateway.


Source: Alphaliner

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