
WMUAA: Closure of the WMU@40 conference by Alumni Associations


A mixture of gratitude and nostalgia for their Alma Mater, The World Maritime University – WMU, the WMU Alumni Associations led the closure of the 3 day Conference on Maritime and Ocean sustainability.

The agenda included opening remarks by Commandant Sajid Hussain from the Bangladesh Marine Academy and proceeded with the intervention of the Alumni Regional Associations of Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean and the Pacific. Furthermore, Specific countries such as Liberia, the Philippines, Kenya, Japan, Iran, the Arab countries and the Hellenic Alumni, shared their initiatives, projects and network.

Lastly in the agenda, Alumni Associations of the Philippines and Liberia made donations to the WMU, handed to the President Dr Cleopatra Doumbia-Henry and the designated President to take chair on June 30th Professor Max Mejía. The closing and inspiring speech presented by the departing President Dr Cleopatra Doumbia-Henry urged the Associations to take the lead and role of ambassador for Maritime and Ocean sustainability, as well as the World Maritime University.




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