Network Rail has secured funding for a £50 000 trial using cameras and sensors for instant checking of a road bridge at Grantham which is regularly hit by road vehicles. The system will speed up checks by providing real-time alerts, access to data and video footage after a bridge strike and measurements of the impact. NR said the technology is now cost effective, having previously not represented value for money for the taxpayer. ‘This technology will cut the inspection time after a bridge strike from hours to seconds’, said Route Engineer Michael Clegg.
Consultation on the rail reform bill is to begin ‘very shortly’, Rail Minister Lord Peter Hendy told the House of Commons Transport Committee on January 22. He said the consultation document would be ‘pretty meaty’.
SME management consultancy Advance Consultancy is to support Community Rail Network and its members by offering pro-bono services and reduced rates for team development and support including strategy direction, collaborative team development, designing and managing transitions; winning and awarding work, and the Learn2Develop bespoke learning capability.
Concerns have been raised with Rail Business UK that unless consultation on the rail reform bill begins soon, it could be impacted by the ‘purdah’ period ahead of the May 1 council elections. Changes to the compositions of local a…
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