
Turning the Media Into an Ally During a Food Recall

During a food recall, the primary focus must be on protecting public health, with supply chain partners working cooperatively to remove potentially contaminated products from the marketplace. The recalling company is responsible for distributing accurate information to key audiences, and the media plays an essential role when consumers may be affected.

Rather than asking “how can we avoid negative publicity during a recall?, food businesses can flip the question to “how can we harness the power of the media to help us protect the public and our brand?” Often, companies fear the media, anticipating negative press will damage their brand reputation. But actually, the media can be instrumental in accelerating accurate messaging, better protecting consumers and brand reputation.

 Food recalls have been making the news frequently, as cucumbers, carrots, onions and many other foods have been recalled due to foodborne illnesses. The media has played an important role in spreading information about these recalls, helping to boost awareness, reduce risks, and protect public health.

When handled correctly, recalls can be seen as proactive safety measures rather than a brand failure. Ideally, recalling companies can use the power of the media by working with reporters to g…


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