
Trucking Industry Cargo Thefts Reach Record High in 2024

Verisk CargoNet Reports Incidents Up 27% Year Over Year

CargoNet found an increasingly sophisticated threat landscape with criminals demonstrating tactical adaptability. (CHUYN/Getty Images)

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The trucking industry faced an unprecedented number of cargo thefts throughout 2024, according to experts.

Verisk CargoNet reported that cargo theft incidents jumped 27% year over year to a record 3,625 across North America. The estimated average value per theft increased 7.7% to $202,364. The top targets were copper products, consumer electronics, cryptocurrency mining hardware and consumable goods.

“When you automate a bad process, you do it bad faster,” said Keith Lewis, vice president of operations at CargoNet. “The back-office software that companies are using are doing all kinds of character recognition, they’re reading the documents, the PDFs, and they’re moving them through their system, not realizing that a lot of these documents have different fonts and they’re forged.”

CargoNet found an increasingly sophisticated threat landscape with criminals demonstrating tactical adaptability. Traditional straight t…


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