The world’s idle containership fleet shrank slightly over the last fortnight as the amount of capacity at repair yards fell by 65,000 net TEUs. Therefore, they increase the charter contracts of the idle fleet as the ships come out of the shipyards for repair, says Alphaliner.
Alphaliner’s latest survey on August 1 counted 247 containerships as idle at the beginning of the month, equating to a total capacity of 934,393 TEUs.
This was lower than the 964,203 TEUs registered in mid-July and equals 3.7% of the total container fleet.

Overall, the number of container ships registered as “under repair” (including those awaiting yard space or to re-enter service) was set at 681,500 teu in early August. This was lower than the 12-month high of 746,000 TEUs recorded in mid-July.
Simultaneously, idled tonnage controlled by carriers and NOOs increased slightly in early August, although supply chain disruption and port congestion continue to keep freight rates high, motivating lines to operate at as much capacity as possible. .
Inactive carrier-controlled units rose to 52 215,000-teu ships on August 1, up from 51 197,000-teu units a fortnight earlier. Meanwhile, NOO-controlled inactive units increased to 14 38,000-TEU units, against 12 21,000-TEU ships.
As a result, ‘commercially’ idled tonnage accounted for 27% of the total idled fleet on August 1, while tonnage classified as under repair fell to 73% of the total, down from 78% in mid-July.
Overall, container ship idling remains extremely low historically, although it has risen since late January after bottoming out at 440,000 teu and just 1.8% of the container fleet. By contrast, at 3.8% of the total fleet, the idle fleet reached its highest level in a year in mid-July.
Source: Alphaliner