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Ports and Logistics
News, information and intelligence of the transfer centers between maritime, fluvial, air and land transport. Ports & Logistics, Ports and logistics, port terminals, maritime ports,
Capacity control keeps ocean freight rates steady, but container rollovers…
The Loadstar by Mike Wackett 11/05/2020, Ocean carriers are successfully underpinning freight rates through…
COLOMBIA: Hyundai Hope, the largest container ship that has arrived in Cartagena
Cartagena de Indias D. T. Y C. May 11, 2020. With 366 meters in length and capacity to transport 13,154 containers,…
Colombian port system analysis Interview by Gordon Wilmsmeier
Today we share the interview conducted on September 5, 2019 with the researcher of the Global Port Performance…
Port of Los Angeles 2020 volume sinks as coronavirus whacks demand
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Cargo volume at the Port of Los Angeles is down 15.5% so far this year as the novel…
Port of Singapore reports high degree of compliance with IMO 2020 Regulations
In the first quarter of 2020, most ships calling at the Port of Singapore have complied with the International…
Container carriers behave disciplined on pricing despite COVID-19
According to information released by Lars Jensen from Seainteligence, last friday's freight rate index from…
384 services are now blanked globally due to the Coronavirus
384 services are now blanked due to the pandemic, said Lars Jensen from SeaIntelligence in his LinkedIn account,…
CMA CGM, CEVA create bridge between China and France to deliver medical supplies
French liner giant CMA CGM and its subsidiary CEVA Logistics are mobilizing their expertise and resources to create…
VIDEO: Mega Container ship Crashes with STS Crane in Busan
Container ship MILANO BRIDGE in the afternoon Apr 6 contacted gantry crane 85 at Busan New Port container terminal…
First ultra-large container vessel is now by-passing Suez
According to Lars Jensen, leading expert in the container shipping industry, the first ultra-large container vessel…