
Owner Of Illegal Vessel Jailed For 18 Months Over Boat Accident That Killed 2

Image Credits: USCG

Richard Cruz, a 33-year-old resident of Elizabeth, New Jersey, has been sentenced to 18 months in prison for his role in a fatal boating accident on the Hudson River.

The accident caused the death of a seven-year-old boy and a 48-year-old woman. Along with his prison term, Cruz has been ordered to pay $50,000 in restitution for the funeral expenses of the victims.

Cruz owned the motor vessel named “Stimulus Money,” which he had purchased about three months before the accident. He conducted boat tours for paying customers on multiple occasions without possessing the required United States Coast Guard (USCG) credentials and certifications.

On the day of the accident, Cruz operated the vessel with 13 people onboard, exceeding its maximum allowable capacity. He navigated at a high rate of speed despite a Small Craft Advisory warning of hazardous conditions, including high winds, and heavy seas.

Neither Cruz nor the vessel had the necessary USCG certifications to operate with paying customers.

At about 2:40 p.m., the vessel capsized, throwing all 13 passengers into the Hudson River. Emergency responders from th…


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