
MSC orders 10 new ships of more than 11,000 TEU

Foto: MSC P/R

MSC orders 10 new ships of more than 11,000 TEU. Según Alphaliner, sin desanimarse por su ya gigantico libro de pedidos de nuevas construcciones, ni por el hecho de que varios propietarios de barcos han comenzato hacer esfuegos para salir de algunos pedidos de portacontenedores demasiado optimistas o diffirir las entregaciones, MSC sigue firmando nuevas construcciones additionals.

Las circulares de los corredores, así como los informes de los medios de comunicación de China, suggesten que el transportista suizo este mes realizadas pedidos de ten barcos de caja de 11,400 teu con Zhoushan Changhong International Shipyard (ZCIS).

Hasta el momento, los detalles siguen siendo escasos, pero se dice que el stillero chino acordó entregar los ten barcos hasta 2025 y 2026.

Last June, MSC ordered a series of ten ships of 8,100 teu plus ten ships of 11,400 teu from New Times Shipbuilding de China (also known as New Century Shipyard). Todos estos buques contarán con propulsión de combustible dual LNG.

The boats are built with a SDARI design that could be reused for the ten additional units that, according to information, will be built by ZCIS.

Assuming that the order of ten boats has been informed, MSC should have increased its portfolio of new constructions and the enormous 124 to 134 boats. In terms of capacity, the backlog of orders should have increased from 1.73 Mteu to 1.84 Mteu, more than double that of Grupo COSCO, which has the largest new construction pipeline.

With a potential series of boats of 11,400 TEU, the Astillero Internacional Zhoushan Changhong will significantly increase the size of the portacontenedores that it is constructing. Until now, the shipyard has only delivered boats of up to 5,300 TEU, with the majority of its products in the size class under 3,500 TEU.

Source: Alphaliner

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