
IMO to consider emissions control in the Mediterranean

Internalizing negative externalities of emissions


The internalization of external negativities in the cost-benefit analysis of the policies and regulations of the maritime industry is not common. However, taking into account the approach of the World Maritime Organization (IMO) on the determination to establish an ECA (Emissions control Area) in the Mediterranean, further opens the door for the assessment of maritime transport holistically.

Initially, the Regional Emergency Response Center for Marine Pollution of the Mediterranean Sea (REMPEC) will be responsible for coordinating the technical and feasibility study. This study would result in the consideration of delimiting the Mediterranean Sea, or parts of, as ECA-SOx (Emission Control Area). This, under the IMO Pollution Prevention Convention (MARPOL) Annex VI. Basically, the study will examine the possible health benefits of people living in the Mediterranean, as well as the cost implications for shipowners.

There are currently four designated SOA-RCTs worldwide: In the Baltic Sea; In the North Sea; the area of ​​North America (United States and Canada); and the Caribbean Sea area of ​​the United States (Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands of the United States).

Emissions control Areas around the world
Current and potential ECAs-SOx in the world

In the ECAs-SOx, the limit of sulfur in fuel used by ships is 0.10% mass to mass (m/m). Meanwhile, outside these areas the limit is currently 3.5% m / m, decreasing to 0.50% m/m starting January 1, 2020.

Study in the Mediterranean

The study will be carried out by an International Consortium led by Energy & Environmental Research Associates (EERA). Financing of the study, which REMPEC will submit to the IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC), comes from the Mediterranean Trust Fund, the Integrated Technical Cooperation Program of the IMO and a voluntary contribution from the Italian Government. Finally, the study would end in the second quarter of 2019.

Emissions in the Panama Canal

Furthermore, It is pertinent to mention that the most congested waterways with relevant importance to the world are lagging control. Namely, the Panama Canal, the world´s bottleneck up to date has not announced nor given any indication of studying the possibility of delimiting an ECA-SOx. Unfortunately, the health of the population near the canal is detrimental over time. Respiratory and health complications at some point will be the priority for that nation.

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