
Hong Kong ship Amber Bay ran aground at Bocas de Ceniza

The vessel is carrying 10,000 tons of asphalt and sailed from the Port of Barranquilla early this morning.


The Corporación Autónoma Regional del Río Grande de la Magdalena (Cormagdalena) reported that early Wednesday morning a ship ran aground in the area of Bocas de Ceniza, outside the navigable channel of the Port Zone of Barranquilla.

Amber Bay

It is Amber Bay, a vessel of 146 meters in length that comes from Hong Kong and ran aground leaving the access channel to the port bound for Baltimore, United States. The vessel was carrying a cargo of 10,000 tons of asphalt.

According to the General Maritime Directorate (Dimar), the emergency took place near the eastern cutwater and forced to preventively restrict circulation.

Source El Espectador
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