
Global Renewable Energy Bodies Urge Mexico to Align with Renewable Energy Transition


The world’s leading renewable energy bodies, the World Wind Energy Council and the World Solar Energy Council, have jointly urged Mexico’s government to continue the country’s transition away from costly and polluting fossil fuels and reset course for a sustainable future based on competitive, clean renewable energy.

The two councils have issued a joint statement in response to rollbacks on key parts of the Electricity Law, passed by the Lower House earlier this week. The statement calls on lawmakers to reject the bill to amend the law to avoid adverse consequences, which could harm renewable energy development in the country.

The International Renewable Energy Agency Action Coalition (IRENA), an international network of 115 leading renewable energy companies, industry associations, civil society, research institutes and intergovernmental organizations, also acted as a signatory to the statement.

“The global wind industry encourages the government of Mexico to reset course towards a transition to a renewables-based economy, which will generate enormous positive net benefits in GDP growth, job creation and social welfare gains in the short and long term. This will also serve to strengthen the resilience and independence of the Mexican electricity system, which has been tested by the recent Texas energy crisis,” said Ben Backwell, CEO of the Global Wind Energy Council.

Source Splash 247
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