
Dae Sun delivers the STAR RANGER (936 teu)


Namsung Shipping has taken delivery of the 936 teu STAR RANGER, the second of two ‘Dae Sun 1000 Mk-II’ sisters that Dae Sun Ship- yard built for the Korean regional line. The vessel follows her sister STAR CHASER, delivered in December.

With the handover of the STAR CHASER and STAR RANGER, Dae Sun has delivered a new type that sits in-between the once highly popular ‘Dae Sun 1000 Mk-I’ (43 vessels built from 2005 to 2013) and the newer wide-beam variant ‘Dae Sun 1000 W’ (19 vessels built from 2004 to 2020).

Compared to the original type (22.60 m / 9 rows) and the newer wide
-beam type (24.80 m / 10 rows), the STAR CHASER and her upcom- ing Namsung sister are 23.60 m wide with provisions to load 9 con- tainers across the deck.

It is worth noting that all three types have very comparable intakes of around 1,000 teu and the wider variant does not necessarily come with a notably higher nominal container capacity. Instead, the ‘W’ variant typically offers a higher stability intake and a lower draft at comparable loads.

The gearless STAR RANGER is 146.50 m long and 23.60 m wide. The vessel is powered by a MAN B&W – 6 S46ME-B8.3 main engine that develops 6,290 kW and drives the ship at speeds of up to 18 knots.

Namsung has chosen to deploy its latest vessel on its North China – Korea – Japan service ‘NCQ’, a joint operation with KMTC, where the new ship will trade alongside the KMTC-operated SUNNY ACACIA (1,103 teu) and SUNNY CANNA (1,000 teu).

Source Alphaliner
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