
COLOMBIA: Coral Reefs Dynamited in the Rosario Islands

Arriba: Explosión de bombas caseras utilizadas para la pesca con explosivos en el Pacífico Occidental. Foto © Wolcott Henry 2005 / Lynn Funkhauser Medio: Arrecife destruido debido a la pesca con explosivos. Foto © Wolcott Henry 2005 / Marine Photobank Abajo: Peces muertos debido a la pesca con explosivos en un arrecife de coral en Tailandia. La pesca con explosivos puede matar a cientos de peces. Foto © 2004 Berkley White / Marine Photobank

According to Semana Sostenible and the representative of the chamber or representatives, Jorge Benedetti, complaints have been received by neighboring communities and artisanal fishermen from the Rosario islands and Bocachica Islands about coral reefs being dynamited for fishing.

For this complaint, the representative to the chamber filed an official letter with the National Aquaculture and Fishing Authority (AUNAP) and the Administrative Unit of National Natural Parks in which the alert is given about the destruction of the coral reefs of Rosario and San Bernard. The trade is supported by complaints from the surrounding population and artisanal fishermen, bearing in mind that the island and area communities had great concern about these events that threaten their safety and collective property. “Likewise, I want to request that you send us the information you have on these events and the progress that your entities have made to stop dynamite fishing in ecosystems such as the Corales del Rosario and San Bernardo National Park,” request the representative.

“Two days ago we received the complaint through social networks about these acts where presumably natives of the Bocachica area in the Rosario islands were killing sardines to go fishing, but this was being done with sticks of dynamite, obviously generating great damage to the entire coral system and the entire maritime ecosystem. They also cause damage to themselves because there is a lot of the population that lives from fishing, “said Congressman Benedetti in the office.

Through his social networks, Benedetti demanded that AUNAP and National Parks coordinate with the National Army actions to prevent this type of event, as well as initiate rigorous investigations that would allow those responsible to be captured. “It is everyone’s responsibility to take care of our environment,” adds Benedetti.

The insular area of ​​Cartagena de Indias has the largest coral reef in the Caribbean region. In this, it is possible to find fringing reefs, patches, rugs, and coral banks, which cover an area of ​​134.5 square kilometers.

62 species of coral and other coelenterates have been identified in this protected area, among which are the maple horn coral (Millepora complanata,) the lettuce coral (Agaricia teniufolia) and the Siderastrea sidérea coral. Likewise, 18 species of soft corals have been identified, among which are the sea fan (Gorgonia ventalina), among other species adds Sustainable Week.

Marine Protection Area (MPA) Varadero coral reef

the Varadero Reef runs from the north of Isla Draga through Isla Abanico and north of Isla de Barú, near Punta Polonia and with continuous growth towards the south of the island taking into account the polygon defined by Invemar; However, they assure that the area of ​​the #CoralesDeVaraderoHopeSpot is much larger than illustrated.

Although the complaints focus on the practice of dynamite fishing, we must also emphasize the recent tension and controversy of the expansion project of the access channel to the Ports of Cartagena. On this, Unesco, in December 2017, after analyzing the Bocachica canal expansion project, together with the citizens, determined its importance to recover corals from other areas even more affected.


Source Semana Sostenible
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