
COLOMBIA: COMPAS investment in barranquilla for USD30 Million


COLOMBIA: COMPAS investment in barranquilla for USD30 Million

According to El Heraldo, Compas’s investments for the expansion and modernization of the operation in its port terminal in Barranquilla amount to US$30 million.

The manager of Compas Barranquilla, Santiago Valderrama, highlighted among the investments made the modernization of the line of docks with four berths that allow it to serve four ships at the same time.
In order to cut the time in dock for the vessels and generate more efficiencies, the coal conveyor belt was changed to one that allows loading 800 tons per hour, with a mobile loader that does not require the vessel to move from its position to load its holds.

It should be noted that Compas in Barranquilla is a multipurpose terminal, which moves coal, coke, fertilizers, steel, liquids and is one of the few plants certified on the Caribbean Coast to move jet fuel.
In 2020, approximately 1.1 million tons were moved at the Barranquilla terminal, 170 thousand tons less than in 2019.

Valderrama told El Heraldo that both the pandemic and the navigability conditions in the access channel to the Port of Barranquilla have been critical aspects for the port sector at the local level. Steel imports have been affected, which were reduced by almost 30% and in liquids, especially in jet fuel, since from March to September no new imports had been made and it remained in storage because the planes were on the ground.


Source El Heraldo
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