
Coast Guard Working To Reopen Ports and Waterways Following Hurricane Ida


The Coast Guard is working continuously to reopen ports and waterways throughout southeast Louisiana in the aftermath of Hurricane Ida.

Capt. Will Watson, Coast Guard Captain of the Port of New Orleans harbormaster, is working in close coordination with federal, state, parish, municipal and maritime authorities to safely reopen marine traffic along the Mississippi River and Gulf Intracoastal Waterway. Some key areas along the river remain closed while recovery operations continue.

“We continue to work closely with the State of Louisiana and our maritime industry partners to rebuild our ports,” Watson said. “This is a massive recovery effort and we are doing our part to ensure that the commerce that sustains our Nation can continue to flow freely and safely over our critical waterways.”

Coast Guard crews conducted post-storm port assessments to reopen the Mississippi River and Gulf Intracoastal Water following Hurricane Ida’s passage through the area. The assessments were conducted to ensure that maritime commerce is safe to resume.

Coast Guard crews continue to work with port partners in identifying and mitigating stranded and submerged vessels along the banks of the Lower Mississippi.

Mariners are requested to report any navigational hazards, discrepant aids to navigation or other hazardous conditions immediately, harbor conditions change based on weather forecasts.

Source gCaptain
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