
BBNJ: Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)


According to Lisa Speer from the High Seas Alliance, the EIA addresses the rest of the areas of the ocean outside of MPAs, that need to be managed. Thus, the BBNJ agreement strengthens the assessment and management of human activities outside protected areas in 5 principles ways:

Establishes basic modern requirements for assessing and managing human activities such as geoengineering proposals, high seas aquaculture, floating energy installations, etc, are subject to detailed public notice consultation comment provisions and will be required to be managed to avoid, mitigate or prevent significant adverse impacts on the marine environment.

Regarding existing activities, the BBNJ Agreement and the conferences of the parties established under it, cannot, tell existing bodies like RFMOs (Regional Fisheries Management Organizations) or the ISA, what to do. Conversely, modern assessment and management requirements within the BBNJ Agreement will help reform and strengthen the management of fishing, mining, shipping, and other activities that have contributed to the decline in ocean health and resilience. Doing so, by establishing globally agreed norms requiring that all activities are managed to avoid mitigating or preventing adverse impacts.

The BBNJ Treaty provides for much greater transparency when activities are conducted within national jurisdiction, for example, Oil and gas developments, pollutant discharges, etc, that could have an effect in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction. Allowing the global community to be aware of the potential impacts of activities happening within national jurisdiction.

Finally, the treaty will bring science and accountability to decision-making through a variety of provisions and a greater say to the international community as a whole in the management of human activities in Areas Beyond Natural Jurisdiction.

Fuente: High Seas Alliance

Source High Seas Alliance
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