
Autonomous Ship trial guidelines approved by the IMO


The 101st meeting of the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) of the IMO approved the guidelines for the autonomous ships trials, thus allowing the carrying out of tests under the same parameters.

The guidelines state that the tests must be carried out in a way that provides at least the same degree of safety, protection and environment that the relevant instruments provide.

The risks associated with the trials should be identified appropriately and measures should be established to reduce the risks, at a level as low as reasonably possible and acceptable, the IMO said.

The guidelines further stipulate that onboard or remote MASS operators (a ship that, to a variable degree, can operate independently of human interaction) must be properly qualified to operate in MASS, subject to testing. Any personnel involved in MASS testing, either remotely or on board, must be qualified and have the proper experience to carry out MASS testing safely. Appropriate measures must be taken to ensure sufficient management of the cyber risks of the systems and infrastructure used in performing the MASS tests.

The provisional guidelines for what the International Maritime Organization qualifies as trials of autonomous maritime surface vessels (MASS) were one of the topics of the MSC meeting that took place from June 5 to 14.

The MSC said that it advanced in the scoping exercise to see how safe, safe and environmentally sound operation of MASS can be introduced into IMO instruments.

A working group met during the session and agreed terms of reference for an intersessional working group to be held in September 2019 to continue the work.

Other topics addressed at the meeting included the safety of ships in polar waters, piracy and armed robbery against ships, and the electronic navigation guide.

The committee approved a guide for navigation and communication equipment intended to be used on ships operating in polar waters. The guide includes recommendations on temperature and mechanical shock testing, and on how to deal with ice buildup and battery performance in cold temperatures. Guidelines on rescue devices and devices were also approved for ships operating in polar waters.

Several circulars related to the development of electronic navigation were also approved. Electronic navigation is defined as “the collection, integration, exchange, presentation and harmonized analysis of marine information on board and on land by electronic means to improve mooring to dock navigation and related services for safety and protection at sea. and the protection of the marine environment. “

Source WMN
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