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Carriers put on a brave face amid further decline in ocean spot rates
Container spot freight rates on the main east-west trades saw another week of declines, although, in contrast to…
Price war as carriers compete for cargo driving down container spot rates
Container spot freight rates on the major east-west liner trades experienced another week of decline, as slack…
Carriers need to cut more capacity for March GRIs to hold
Container freight spot rates on the major trades continued to slide this week, forcing carriers to prepare price…
More blanked sailings: ‘Carriers will not sit on their hands while rates collapse’
Despite large parts of the Chinese workforce continuing to enjoy the new year holiday, there was a partial return…
Carriers hope price hikes will hold as spot rates fall in CNY doldrums
Despite the muted trading activity since China’s new year holiday began this week, spot rates on most major…
Spot rates still tumbling, with worse to come if carriers return to Suez
The downward spiral of container spot freight pricing accelerated this week, as China begins its lunar new year…
A medida que se acerca el CNY y la temporada baja, comienza la reducción de los…
Las tarifas transpacíficas al contado disminuyeron por primera vez en un mes esta semana, cuando la amenaza de un…
USEC dispute end comes too late to stop transpacific spot rate climb
Container spot freight rates on the main east-west trades continued on divergent paths this week, with gains on the…